Written by Shari Monnes | Boston
on June 20, 2017

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke today at the "Day of German Industry" in which a new project called SUPERLATIVES – MADE IN GERMANY, produced in cooperation with BDI (The Voice of German Industry) and supported by UP,  was introduced to a large audience of business and opinion leaders.  The project is the brainchild of German-based photo agency fotogloria and the highly respected international photographer Christoph Morlinghaus.

SUPERLATIVE – MADE IN GERMANY features large-format photographs representing the largest, smallest, farthest, highest, lowest, oldest, longest, most diverse, most effective, most northern, southernmost, most productive, and more, of German industry and business.

So far, 22 "superlatives" in the form of high quality, large format film photographs representing a variety of diverse German corporations and institutions have been created. By the end of 2017, another 20 will follow. 

Superlative - Fraport Baggage handling system - largest in GermanySuperlative - Airbus largest passenge plane in the world

Superlative - MeyerWerf Largest Shipyard in GermanySuperlative - Hermes largest ecommerce warehouse in Germany

(Above, top, left to right) FRAPORT BAGGAGE HANDLING SYSTEM – The largest airport baggage logistics in Germany. AIRBUS – Section’s integration for the largest passenger plane in the world. (bottom, left to right) MEYER WERFT – The largest shipyard in Germany. HERMES FULFILMENT DISPATCH CENTER – The largest e-commerce warehouse in Germany.


SUPERLATIVE - MADE IN GERMANY presents a current view of Germany as a thriving business setting. UP Germany is taking this concept to a new level with a service offering designed to help companies make the most of their brand stories.  It's a program that has potential well beyond Germany, in many countries and industries.

Telling the story of greatness

Mankind has always admired the biggest, brightest, and best in class. These supreme examples of achievement—these superlatives—are an inspiration and a benchmark.  A superlative represents the courage to venture into the unknown, to push boundaries and opt for new routes.

Whether it’s unique engineering skills, adventurous architecture or innovative design concepts, what they all have in common is that they surprise us, fascinate us and stimulate us. They take a direct path into our hearts and minds and burn in our memories – beacons in our noisy and crowded world. 

UP is working with companies in Germany and around the world to transform their SUPERLATIVE into valuable brand content, both online and offline. 

“Companies and institutions love the idea of using their SUPERLATIVE as part of their brand communications,” said Jan-Erik Mohrmann Managing Director of UP Germany. “Superlatives are an excellent tool for storytelling and can become the central focus for all kinds of inbound activities, deliverying high awareness with low marketing spending.”

From videos to social media to website content to tradeshow displays, UP helps companies produce content that brings the superlative story to new audiences.


Find out more

Learn more about UP's offering for Superlatives.

Have questions? Please reach out to Jan-Erik Mohrmann or Kilian Palis or visit us at our Creative Space in Hamburg if you'd like to know more about this exciting project.

Follow SUPERLATIVE-MADE IN GERMANY on InstagramTwitter and Facebook


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