Written by Peter Bjellerup | Sweden
on May 11, 2020


estrictions on crowd sizes. Social distancing. Fear of spreading or catching COVID-19. Travel restrictions or a reduced willingness to travel out of environmental concerns. Or simply new habits after working and meeting from home during extensive periods of restrictions. But still you're required to hold an AGM for your enterprise or association. 

How is that to be managed?

Our answer: Make your Annual General Meeting (AGM) digital.

Hold an either entirely remote AGM, or a hybrid version with presenters and maybe some attendees on site along with a remote AGM for others via the internet. Maybe with a pre-recorded message from the CEO (that allows reuse on other platforms) and even a pre-recorded film on the the business performance.

Temporary laws from 2020, permitting remote AGMs and allowing remote voting, like the Swedish law (2020:198) are likely to be extended well into 2021, and perhaps beyond? I wouldn’t be surprised at all, considering that it has worked well and we have learned new ways of meeting and interacting. I wonder when these laws will get updated to permit voting by app instead of mail only as the Swedish example.

In addition, this means that you could, if you want to, open up public access to the AGM, boosting awareness and knowledge of your company on the stock market. Apart from the obvious upside of boosting the possibilities for remote, small, shareholders to participate, that is.

So, all that remains is to get in touch with us at UP to get help in arranging a professional remote AGM.

But why UP?

1. UP has more experience professionally in running webinars

UP has extensive experience of running major digital events and webinars. In the spring of 2020, we ran a series of webinars for Galderma, a worldwide dermatology company. Five customer webinars across three time zones with a total of 22.000 attendees. That is, 15 webinars with an average of almost 1,500 attendees! During a period of a few weeks

Cameras, moderators, project management, web tech: UP ran all of it, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from both client and participants.

…and that’s only one example.

2. UP has remote collaboration in our DNA

To many, this thing about collaborating remotely is new and unfamiliar. For us, it’s business as usual. Since UP was formed in 2010, we have collaborated remotely with each other and with our clients globally. To remotely run an event and coordinate communications with clients is what we do everyday in a way few others, if any, can match.

Read more about UP´s services in webinars and other digital services here.

Discuss your needs

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can help you with your AGM.

Host a remote AGM



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