In order for an agency to be able to truly communicate with life scien...
UP FOR LIFE has successfully created and launched a new microsite for ...
The International Water Association (IWA) with its Headquarters in Lon...
GE Healthcare Life Sciences has launched a new campaign site called GE...
UP is proud to be working with Dako, a leading cancer diagnostics comp...
Free Science Webinar
UP cofounder and branding expert Julian Stubbs will participate as a p...
WordPress CMS? A good idea?
Is WordPress a good CMS tool for business web sites? There are some ha...
Talking Points
May, June and July seem to have rapidly become ‘speech time’ as I’m gi...
Meeting UP in Stockholm
Although working for a cloud-based agency may mean that members work f...
GE Healthcare Life Sciences has launched a new campaign site called GE...
As of March 30, 2012, Facebook will change the design format for all P...
UP members interviewed by Dutch radio
UP was recently featured on the Dutch national radio program “Doing Bu...