Written by Shari Monnes | Boston
on August 02, 2013

You’ve probably heard it said…"Email marketing is dead"  Well, don’t believe it! Email marketing is not dead, it’s just evolving.

The truth is, email is an important part of any marketing campaign. When used at the right times as part of an integrated multi-channel approach, email delivers just the right message in a highly targeted and measurable way.

Vendors like Constant Contact, Marketo and Hubspot make tools that not only incorporate email as an essential component to any marketing campaign, but also rely on email to be the closer for social media and inbound marketing efforts. Email is a valuable and proven way to get your customers back to your site or responding to an offer.

Not convinced? Here are seven signs that email marketing is not dead:

    1. Less than 94% of adults check their email every day. 
    2. 74% of online adults prefer email for commercial communication. 
    3. 62% of adult US Internet users check or send email on a daily basis. 
    4. Social media users are over 60% more likely to check email at least four times a day than those who don't use social media. 
    5. People. who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than people that do not receive email offers.
    6. 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email. 

Check out this infographic from Marketo that sums it UP.

Infographic from Marketo email not dead


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