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“Sweden is a place to listen to where the future might take us” Gustaf Josefsson Tadaa

Written by Julian Stubbs | Stockholm | September 24, 2024

UP THERE, EVERYWHERE recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Gustaf Josefsson Tadaa, a distinguished futurist, to discuss and delve into his unique perspectives on technology, organisations, and Sweden's role in the global landscape.

The Power of Technology

One of the central themes of our discussion was the profound impact of technology on organisations. Introducing a new app or tool can lead to unexpected organisational changes, creating new hierarchies and decision-making processes. This shift highlights the importance of technology as a driving force in how we organise and operate.

"Technology shapes us in profound ways," Gustaf explained.
"It's fascinating to see how it directs us and defines our societies. With more powerful tools at our disposal, the initiative for innovation must come from each individual, not just the top executives."
Traditionally, organisational change has been seen as a top-down process managed by senior leaders or consultants. However, the rapid pace of technological advancement forces us to rethink this approach. Gustaf emphasised the need for a cultural shift within organisations, moving towards a model that empowers individuals and promotes freedom and responsibility.
"Organisations must adapt to stay competitive, building a culture that fosters initiative and embraces change is crucial in a rapidly evolving technological landscape."
Sweden's position in the technological landscape
As a proud Swedish company, we were keen to hear Gustaf’s views on Sweden’s position in the global tech arena. He acknowledged Sweden’s paradoxical situation: on the one hand, we are far ahead in organisational development, promoting meaningful work and a positive impact on the world. On the other hand, our cultural tendency towards consensus and equality can create friction when pushing for more individual autonomy and execution.

Gustaf also touched on the issue of brain drain, where talented individuals leave Sweden for better opportunities elsewhere. He stressed the importance of making it easier for international students and professionals to stay and work in Sweden, thus fostering a more dynamic and innovative environment.
Investing in Swedish innovation
When asked about the hot areas for investment in Sweden, Gustaf pointed out the importance of understanding the purpose behind investments.
“Sweden is a great place to invest, not just for return on investment, but for the impact you can make. We have clusters of innovative companies driven by a desire to make a positive difference in the world.”

He also highlighted Sweden’s strengths in artificial intelligence and cultural industries like fashion and music. We always want to check out what everyone else is doing, which means that we're very fast to jump on new trends.
"So, Sweden is interesting as it serves as an experimental playground for new apps and technologies. A lot of big apps have launched in Sweden first, thanks to its well-educated, tech-savvy population. So it's a place to listen to where the future might take us."
Sweden is a country that takes good care of its citizens, which is increasingly important in a world where social structures are being challenged. The radical shift in global inequality is unsustainable, and it is hoped, that people will look to the Nordic countries to understand what works. They will inquire not just about current practices but also about how these nations have managed to build strong welfare states and civil societies.
Sweden and the broader Nordic region can serve as an inspiration for others. However, there are always two sides to every story. In Sweden, being called "non-Swedish" (osvensk) is seen as a compliment, reflecting a self-deprecating yet humble nature. Despite being one of the safest countries in the world, Swedes often scare themselves into forgetting their societal strengths, such as high levels of trust among citizens.

Despite these challenges, Gustaf remains optimistic about Sweden’s potential.
“We have a great public education system, a high trust society, and a holistic approach to well-being at work. Maintaining these strengths while adapting to new technological and societal trends will be key to our continued success.”

Our conversation with Gustaf provided valuable insights into the future of organisations, and the pivotal role technology plays in shaping them. As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, embracing innovation and fostering a culture of empowerment will be crucial. We are proud to be part of a Swedish company that values these principles and looks forward to the future.

Thank you, Gustaf, for sharing your expertise and passion with us. We look forward to collaborating again soon.
UP worked closely with Gustaf on a recent three day management event in Austria, looking at the future of a particular clients business and organisation including the impacts of Ai. UP runs a number of such meetings for clients each year. 
Stay tuned for more exciting discussions and insights in our upcoming newsletters.