Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix from LifeCell was developed in 2008. UP was tasked to educate women in England who have planned to undergo reconstruction post mastectomy. LifeCell, wanted to encourage them to ask their Health Care Professional (HCP) whether reconstruction using a tissue matrix and implant, specifically Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix from LifeCellTM, could be the right solution for them.
United Kingdom
Life science
Branding & communications / Digital marketing
LifeCell Corporation was formed in 1986. It develops and markets innovative tissue repair products for a variety of uses. It uses its scientific heritage and proprietary technologies to raise industry standards, and improve patients' lives.
Strattice™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix from LifeCell™ was developed in 2008. It has highly valued benefits for challenging hernia repair and breast reconstruction.
The brief
The focus for the brief was to educate women in England who have planned to undergo reconstruction post mastectomy. LifeCell™, wanted to encourage them to ask their Health Care Professional (HCP) whether reconstruction using a tissue matrix and implant, specifically Strattice™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix from LifeCell™, could be the right solution for them. LifeCell™ also needed to prepare the Breast Care Nurse (BCN) to answer these questions and have an informed discussion with the patient.
The solution
We devised a creative campaign under the banner ‘Breast Reconstruction Matters’, that used the tagline; ‘A choice cancer can’t make’. The work involved creating a brand identity, building a campaign website, in-hospital communication (Nurse’s Toolkit) and advertising.
The results
Two months after the launch of the campaign to HCPs LifeCell had really started to get their message over, with 600 + visitors to breastreconstructionmatters.co.uk. This resulted in 50 shares, 45 downloads and 75 requests for the full tool kit and capture of a new HCP lead.
The campaign is now ready to roll out across German and French markets, followed by a patient targeted campaign based under the same platform.
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