Member Profiles
Meet one of our UP members. We have some of the most talented people in our business and they deserve the spotlight.
Karin Stenberg
Head of UP Australia | Sydney, Australia
Karin leads the UP Australia team. She is an experienced moderator, workshop facilitator and strategist who loves to unravel insights about people, user experiences and brands, and piecing them together to inform decisions and designs.
With a background in brand strategy, advertising and UX, Karin is particularly interested in helping to create holistic brand and user experiences that meet consumer needs and resonate with people.
Want to join UP?
Working in the cloud remotely as client-focused teams
Not everyone can join up. We are not creating a network of freelancers. We believe there’s much better model. We call it e-ployment®.
Instead, we have a close-knit community of members. Independent professionals who find us by referral from existing members or clients, and who have a past track record of successful work.